Vocabulary for Talking About Hopes & Dreams

In this page, we cover some helpful expressions for talking about your hopes and dreams, and your plans for the future. There is also a handy image below that you can save and keep for learning:


It is my biggest dream to…

…be famous/be rich/fly a plane

My ambition is to…

…travel the world/run a marathon

In 5 years I hope to be…

…running the company/getting married

I can see myself doing… (in the future)

…a Master’s Degree/my first job interview

I am on the point of…

…graduating/getting promoted/achieving a goal

I am due to…

…get my exam results/receive an award

I look forward to…

…passing my exams/starting my new job/making lots of money

I plan to…

…start my own business/pitch an idea to my Boss

I’m counting the days until I…

…begin studying/graduate/move to another country/am old enough to drive/am able to buy a house

I’d like to get around to…

…travelling/starting my own business/learning a new language/learning a new skill


Talking about hopes and dreams Final Edit.png

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