Hold up - Phrasal Verb

Video Overview

This video explains the meanings and uses of the phrasal verb 'Hold Up' in English. We show you how to use it with some easy examples so you can use it in spoken and Business English.

Video Analysis

You can commonly hear the six meanings listed below in general day-to-day English conversation. This phrasal verb can be heard both formally and informally. Have you watched our video? If not, what’s the hold-up? Hopefully you haven’t been held up too much with other work and you get to watch it soon. Education is important, it can lead to wealth. If you let it go by the wayside, you might find yourself holding up a bank to make some money! If you’re watching this video on a phone, try not to hold it up too high or it could fall on your face. It happened to me before, it wasn’t nice! You might also hear someone in a court of law say “that evidence will/won’t hold up in court”. This means that the evidence will or will not be accepted by the court in the hearing.

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