take it as it comes


1. accept what happens when it happens






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take it/life as it comes

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When you 'take it as it comes' you deal with situations as they occur without planning ahead. Usually, the choice to 'take things as they come' is because it is impossible to plan ahead for a particular event or because you are the kind of person who prefers to deal with things as you go along. This is a casual expression used in social and professional contexts.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. You shouldn't stress about things so much. Just take things as they come.
  2. You can't plan everything out. Sometimes you just have to take life as it comes.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. It is impossible to plan for every possible outcome so I suggest we put some measures in place and then take things as they come.
  2. Gabriel and I find it difficult to work together sometimes. He likes to plan ahead for everything and I like to take things as they come.

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