take a stab at (sth)


1. attempt or try






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take a stab at the answer/fixing a problem

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To 'take a stab at something' means to make an attempt to try to do something usually without much experience or knowledge. To 'take a stab' at something is similar in meaning to 'give it a go' or 'give something a try'. This is a casual expression used more often in informal contexts.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. When the car wouldn't start, I took a stab at trying to fix the problem. However, I didn't get anywhere with it so I called a mechanic.
  2. In the exam, one of the questions was on a topic that I hadn't studied, so I had to take a stab at the answer.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Advance)

  1. I really feel that I have the public speaking skills and expertise to make a great sales pitch, so does anyone mind me taking a stab at it?
  2. We don't have the budget to hire an events organiser, would anyone here like to take a stab at it? We can pay overtime for the extra work.

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