carte blanche

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Civil Services



permission or freedom to do something

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carte blanche - freedom

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If you are given ‘carte blanche’ then you have the authority to do whatever you feel is best, without having to seek permission or approval from anybody else. The word, taken from French, originally meant ‘blank paper’, but that was adapted to express having a clean slate to work from. Most commonly used in a professional context.

Synonyms free-reign,latitude,licence
Antonyms restrictions,limitations

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  1. I trust Adam implicitly. That’s why I’m giving him carte blanche to run the operation.

  2. I don’t think it’s right that our manager has carte blanche to decide how the funds are spent. Where is the accountability?

  3. If you prove yourself capable of generating consistent profits from your trading, the company will give you carte blanche to run your own account.

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