acrimony | acrimonious | acrimoniously

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Civil Services



feelings of anger or bitterness

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acrimony - bitterness

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‘Acrimony’ refers to harsh or sharp feelings between people or groups who disagree strongly over something and do not like each other. It typically involves a lengthy dispute featuring frequent arguments and expressions of anger or resentment. This formal word is most commonly used in a professional context, such as in relation to a legal dispute or conflict in business.

Synonyms malevolence,hostility
Antonyms diplomacy,harmony

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  1. Both sides came together to discuss a deal, but in the end, the meeting ended in acrimony.

  2. International tensions have increased as a result of the increasingly acrimonious quarrel over territorial rights between the two countries.

  3. I had worked with Brian for years, but our partnership ended acrimoniously after a dispute over money.

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