averse | aversion

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Civil Services



strongly opposed; a strong dislike

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averse - opposed; averse/aversion to

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The formal word ‘averse’ expresses somebody’s dislike or unwillingness to do something. It implies a strong repugnance and disinclination which is unlikely to be easily overcome. In fact, it can often be something already in-built in a particular person as opposed to a passing antipathy. Almost always followed by the preposition ‘to’, as in 'I am averse to...'. If you 'have an aversion to' somebody or something, then you feel antipathy or repugnance towards them. That animosity generally leads to avoiding contact, in the case of a person, or refraining from taking a particular action, in the case of a thing. It can be used in both a social and professional context.

Synonyms disinclined,indisposed,contrary
Antonyms obliging,simpatico

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  1. You will never get ahead in this business if you are averse to risk-taking. You have to be willing to go out on a limb from time to time.

  2. I have a strong aversion to spicy foods, so I found it difficult to find suitable meals while I was travelling through the subcontinent.

  3. Pushing through the necessary reforms proved difficult because I found that the staff were highly averse to change.

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