A Sample Performance Review

Kate is approaching the end of her first year in her job with a successful interior design company. She is delighted to be completing this Probation Period, but she has to meet her Manager to discuss her progress and to determine how she will proceed in the company. On Thursday she received an email:


From: Kate’s Manager

To: Kate

‘Hi Kate, I’d like to take an hour of your time on Friday to discuss your performance.’


Kate’s Manager

Kate was nervous, but she tried to remind herself that Performance Appraisals were an opportunity to demonstrate her value to the company. Performance Appraisals are also sometimes called Performance Reviews or Performance Evaluations.

Kate walks into the office

Mrs Roberts: Take a seat, Kate. Let's review your progress and have a chat about your objectives for the coming year.

Kate: My Objectives?

Mrs Roberts: Yes, your goals and what you think you can achieve. We should start by reviewing your progress. What has gone well for you in the last 12 months?

Kate: Well, my onboarding process went well.

Mrs Roberts: I remember Daniel was happy with your progress. You exceeded his expectations.

Kate: The new software we purchased in November. I was able to grasp it very quickly.

Mrs Roberts: Don’t sell yourself short, Kate. You are an expert at it now!

When we say someone is ‘selling themselves short’, it means they are being modest, or not being honest about their success or achievements- a performance appraisal is not a good time to behave this way! It’s a time to sell yourself and your skills.

Kate: I suppose that’s true. I was a big part of getting the contract for the Department Store account.

Mrs Roberts: That’s a good example of your ability to make great personal connections. It demonstrates initiative that you spotted that opportunity. If I ask you to self evaluate, what are the areas where you feel you could improve?

Another way of saying self evaluate is to use the phrase ‘self reflect’. When we ‘self evaluate’, it means we can look at our own performance and achievements and decide where we need to improve.

Kate: Well, I found the Architect very difficult to work with, but I think I handled it well.

When something is ‘handled well’, it can mean a difficult situation was managed in a way that has still produced a positive outcome.

Mrs Roberts: I think there is a lesson to be learned there about clear communication.

Kate: Yes, you have a point. Daniel has been showing me how he likes to provide drawings early on. It’s a lot more work, but it certainly makes communication more effective.

Mrs Roberts: When I reflected on your performance, there was one area where I feel you came up short.

This is bad news for Kate, when we ‘come up short’, it means we are not doing as well as we should.

Kate: I think I can anticipate that it might have something to do with time keeping.

Mrs Roberts: We are quite flexible here, but you are pushing your luck a little. You often leave early!

Kate: I discussed this with Daniel, too. He has suggested coming in earlier in the morning and doing a little work from home in the evenings.

Mrs Roberts: I think that would certainly help make up the time. I think if you focus on communicating clearly and putting in the hours, you’ll be able to complete a lot more in less time.

Kate: That's a good objective to work towards.

Mrs Roberts: I’m glad we had this chat, Kate. There were a lot of positives. You are a valuable member of the team. Keep up the good work!

Do you think Kate did a good job at selling herself? Did Mrs Roberts give constructive criticism? Would you have answered any of the questions differently?

Thanks for reading; and remember, we have lots more content related to Communication in the Workplace.

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