stay put


1. remain in the same place, stay where you are






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don't move, just stay put

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 To 'stay put' means to remain or not to move. You can 'stay put' in the same job for many years, or you might tell someone to 'stay put' and don't move while you turn the alarm off in a building. This is a useful expression to tell someone not to move for a moment.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. Don't panic. Just stay put and I'll come to get you.
  2. All my friends left the country, but I stayed put and now I regret it.
  3. He's always going out at the weekends and leaving me at home. Well, I'm not staying put anymore.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. Unless you bring my salary into line with industry standards I can't see any reason to stay put in this company.
  2. If you stay put in this room, tea and coffee will be served after the presentation.

Check Icon Further Suggestions

stick around

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