stand your ground


1. refuse to change your mind about something despite pressure to do so






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stand your ground and stick to your beliefs

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When you 'stand your ground' it means to keep your position physically or metaphorically despite being challenged or pressured. If you stand your ground in an argument it means you defend your position and refuse to change your opinion. Similar in meaning to 'stick to your guns' and 'hold your ground'. This is an idiomatic expression.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. I admired Paul for standing his ground and sticking to his beliefs even though everyone was criticizing him.
  2. I have to stand my ground on this issue, even if everyone disagrees with me.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. The other party tried to bully me during the negotiations, but I stood my ground and managed to secure a very favourable deal.
  2. Even though the boss was furious with me, I knew I was right. That's why I felt I had to stand my ground.

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