(run/go) like clockwork


1. to run mechanically and dependably (or as expected)






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the train runs like clockwork - every hour

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 If something runs or goes like clockwork, it implies that it works in a dependable or mechanical manner with minimal problems, hitches or changes to a schedule. This is a common phrase used in professional and social contexts to describe people and things - particularly things that are automated.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. The children wake me up at 5am every morning - like clockwork.

  2. The neighbours' dog barks like clockwork every evening until its owners come home.

  3. The tram schedule in Dresden runs like clockwork. The trams are never late.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. I’d prefer to use our usual supplier. They’re dependable and their deliveries arrive like clockwork.
  2. I have come to expect an audit every second year. It’s like clockwork at this stage.

Check Icon Further Suggestions

the clock is ticking

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