put together


1. create, devise, assemble






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put together a plan/proposal/presentation

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The phrasal verb 'put together' can mean to join different parts of something to be able to use it or to make it work properly. 'Put together' can also mean to group two or more people or things in a particular way - usually, because they share a similarity of some kind. To 'put something together' can also mean to create something by assembling different elements in a particular way. 'Put together' is a versatile phrasal verb that can be used in both professional and social contexts. 

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. I had to put together all of the Ikea furniture.
  2. My nephew enjoys putting together his jigsaw puzzles.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. Hannah had to put together a presentation for the Board of Management.
  2. The team worked all night and put together a great plan for how to promote the new product.

2. combined, counted as one






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all the people/all the money put together

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'Put together' can also mean to group two or more people or things in a particular way - usually, because they share a similarity of some kind. To 'put something together' can also mean to create something by assembling different elements in a particular way. 'Put together' is a versatile phrasal verb that can be used in both professional and social contexts. 

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. The population of India is more than the US, EU and Mexico put together.
  2. That player earns more money than the rest of his team put together.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. Could you put together some images to present to the client?
  2. I put together a presentation to show you how we can save hundreds every year by making some changes.

Check Icon Further Suggestions

(bring/take) (it) further

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