out of touch


1. no longer in contact or communicating with somebody






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I've been out of touch with him/her lately

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 The idea of being 'out of touch' emphasizes a disconnection from somebody or something. Therefore, this expression can be used when we want to say that we haven't been in contact with somebody for a long time. The term is sometimes hyphenated when used before a noun and can be used in both a social and professional context.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. Sorry I've been out of touch lately. I've just been very busy with work.
  2. I've been out of touch with Trevor since I left school. I wonder what he's doing these days?

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. Tom has been out of touch with the people in that department since the dispute arose.
  2. I was out of touch during the meeting because I told my secretary to hold all my calls until it was finished.

2. not informed or up to date with something






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your ideas are old-fashioned and out of touch

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 Another way to use 'out of touch' is to refer to somebody who is not knowledgeable about or up to date with current attitudes, trends, or a particular situation. You might say that your parents are out of touch with modern technology if they haven't kept up with advances in computers or smartphones.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. You are so out of touch - I can't believe you don't own a smartphone!

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. The boss is very blunt and fixed in his ways. His out-of-touch attitude is harming the business.
  2. Your ideas are so out of touch with what our customers want. That's why sales have dropped so dramatically.
  3. I missed a week of work so I'm a bit out of touch at the moment. Can you fill me in on what I missed so I can get up to speed? 

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