of second nature


1. something you have done so often that you can do it easily and without much thought






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driving is second nature to me now

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Something which is 'second nature' comes naturally to you without a huge amount of thought or effort. Something which is second nature comes naturally to you or is a habit that has become part of your characteristics. Similar in meaning to 'instinctual'.

Check Icon Social Examples (Advance)

  1. When I first got behind the wheel of a car I thought I would never get the hang of it, but now driving is second nature to me.
  2. I learned to cook when I was very young so making pasta and bread is second nature to me.
  3. My trainer made me work really hard so working out every day is second nature, I don't even have to think about it.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Advance)

  1. Kate has been working with computers her whole life, so programming is second nature to her.
  2. I know the system seems complicated right now, but in a few weeks it will become second nature to you.

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