

1. to keep calm and collected even in stressful situations






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keep a level head / he is always so level-headed

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If you are level-headed it means you are a calm rational and sensible person even in difficult or stressful circumstances. 'Level-headed' is an adjective commonly used to describe this type of person.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. I have come to you for advice because you're always so level-headed.
  2. He finds it hard to keep a level head. He is always so worked up and gets angry easily.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. It's the kind of work where you have to be very level-headed. You need a steady hand and the ability to concentrate on what you're doing.
  2. Those remain level-headed in stressful situations are more likely to make rational decisions based on the data in front of them.

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