

1. provide an impetus to start or resume a process






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kick-start a project/day/career

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The verb 'kick-start' refers to a way of starting a motorcycle or motorbike by trusting the pedal. "They kick-started the engine, revved loudly and drove off." Metaphorically the verb 'kick-start' can refer to an incentive to begin or resume something. "Kick-starting a savings plan is often avoided by most people.As a noun, 'a kick-start' is the act of kick-starting an engine or something which provides an impetus to begin something. "The program was aimed at giving the public a kick-start in saving for retirement."

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. Exercise is an excellent way of kick-starting the day.
  2. This job is really going to kick-start my career. It'll be great to get my foot in the door.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. One way of kick-starting a project is to have a brainstorming session.
  2. A stimulus package was launched by the enterprise board in order to kick-start innovation in the industry.

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