impact | impactful


1. (major) effect or result (of something)






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major/considerable/significant impact

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'Impact' is a word that can be used as a verb - 'to impact' - meaning to affect someone or something strongly or dramatically: "The impact of this decision will be felt throughout the company." "The emotional impact of losing her brother was enormous." It can be used as a noun to describe hitting something at force, such as 'an impact in a car accident' or 'the window smashed on impact with the ball." This word can be used in any context.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. The new marketing campaign was a great success. It had a major impact on sales.
  2. I think this new software will have a considerable impact on how we write code.
  3. The soaring price of oil has had a significant impact on travel expenses for our business.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. The collapse of the international banking system impacted greatly on small business around the world.
  2. The Keynote Speaker at the Business Conference delivered a very impactful opening address.
  3. We took a high-impact approach and it was worth the risk. It really paid off.

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make a splash

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