have a (good) nose for


1. have a natural ability to find or recognize something






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a good nose for a bargain

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If somebody has the ability to sense, find, or recognize something of a particular type, it can be said that they 'have a nose for it.' It is important to specify, though, that this expression tends to refer to a talent or ability that is natural to somebody, rather than one learned or acquired. It can be used in either a social or professional context, and shares a similar meaning to the phrases 'sniff something out' and 'have an eye for something.'

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. I like shopping with Emma because she has a good nose for a bargain.
  2. Our tour guide had a good nose for wine, he recommended some great ones to us from the region.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. Our boss has a good nose for knowing when her staff are not all pulling their weight. She runs a very tight ship.
  2. Sam is an excellent journalist. He really has a nose for a good story.

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