

1. involving active personal involvement






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hands-on training/experience/manager

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To be ‘hands-on’ means to be involved in something in a personal or tactile way. A ‘hands-on’ management style is one in where the managers are personally involved in the day-to-day decisions, for example. You might describe someone as a ‘hands-on’ parent if they are involved in lots of parts of their children’s lives. You can use this expression in social and professional contexts.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. On her first day at the factory, Kate was provided with hands-on training on how to use the machinery. Practical learning suited her much better than theory work.
  2. Brenda is very much a hands-on manager. She likes to micromanage every aspect of a task rather than simply delegating roles to her staff.
  3. Nowadays, a lot of employers are more interested in hiring staff with hands-on experience in their chosen profession rather than simply looking for those with academic qualifications. 

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. I am not great at learning theory, I am more of a hands-on kinesthetic learner.
  2. My wife and I are very hands-on parents we both spend time with the children equally.

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