to cut a long story short


1. to recount an event or story without giving all of the details






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to cut a long story short we ended up in the wrong town

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The expression 'to cut a long story short' means to tell a story in the shortest way possible (i.e. without going into unnecessary details). You might cut a long story short because the people listening are losing interest, or you might just do it for the sake of efficiency. This expression is related to the phrase 'get to the point' or 'cut to the chase'. This is an informal idiom used in social and professional contexts, but you are more likely to hear it in an informal setting.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. He cut his finger with a knife and, to cut a long story short, he ended up in hospital overnight.
  2. I almost drowned once, so to cut a long story short, I don't like swimming.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. To cut a long story short, we had to move the launch venue to a different location.
  2. I don't have much time, but to cut a long story short, I think we need to reevaluate our approach to sales.

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