come up (with)


1. arise in conversation, think of, due to happen






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come up in conversation, come up with idea, coming up next week

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As a phrasal verb the term 'come up' means for something to occur or present itself, such as an issue, a situation or a problem. Something can 'come up' if it is getting nearer or approaching the time for it to happen. "Our review is coming up soon." "My holidays are coming up after May."  The phrase 'come up' is also used to describe something that undergoes a change due to being cleaned or polished. "The detail on the brass came up very well after I cleaned it." Someone mentioned or talked about can be said to 'come up' in conversation. "Dave came up in conversation yesterday when we were discussing programming." To 'come up with' something means to produce something when under pressure or challenged. "She came up with an amazing idea for the advertisement." "Is that the best solution you can come up with?"

Check Icon Social Examples (Advance)

  1. The tenant's late night parties came up in the resident's meeting.
  2. The issue about their father's house came up in the conversation immediately after the funeral.
  3. Every time this comes up, I get annoyed. I hate talking about it!

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. My Manager wanted me to come up with some new ideas for promoting the product.
  2. I have plenty of opportunities for promotion coming up this year, said the Manager.
  3. They said I was always coming up with the most innovative solutions, so I got the promotion.

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