bring into line


1. make something/someone conform to something/someone else






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bring the group into line

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When you 'bring something into line', it means you encourage it or force it to be of the same standard as something else. "We need to bring our recycling figures into line with others in the industry." This sentence would mean that your recycling figures are below average and you wish to improve them to become on par with or similar to the figures of others in your industry. This expression is often used to talk about performance or behaviour and can be used in social or professional contexts.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. The older kids helped bring the younger class into line with the school's rules.
  2. As Manager, it was my job to bring the new employees into line with the rest of the team.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. As Manager, it was my job to bring the new employees into line with the rest of the team.
  2. I'd like to bring your targets into line with our current sales strategy.

Check Icon Further Suggestions

bring about align with

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