

1. cause anger or frustration






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aggravating person/situation, he aggravates/aggravated the situation

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 If you aggravate something or someone it means to cause disruption or to incite frustration. You can aggravate a person by causing them to become angry, or you can aggravate a situation or a condition. This word can be used to mean 'make worse'. "The situation was already bad, but you are aggravating it by asking so many questions." "We fear this medication might aggravate his condition." Aggravate can be used as an adjective or verb and is used in social and professional contexts.

Check Icon Social Examples (Basic)

  1. Why can't you two just get along? You don't need to aggravate each other all the time.
  2. Oh, my God! She's always arguing with everyone and making them angry. She's such an aggravating person.
  3. Oh, my God! She's always arguing with everyone and making them angry. She's so aggravating!
  4. No one could study properly while the library was being painted, and exams were coming up. It was a really aggravating situation.
  5. Will you please tell him to stop shouting? He's really aggravating me!

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. We need to be careful about how we phrase this issue in the meeting we don't want to aggravate our client.
  2. Everyone was hoping that Michael would have all the answers, but instead, he just threw his weight around and aggravated the situation.

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