

1. an increase or build up (over a period of time), a gathering of a large amount






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accumulate wealth

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 To accumulate means to gather together objects or things over a period of time. You can 'accumulate wealth' or 'accumulate knowledge'. This verb can be used in social contexts but you're more likely to hear it in a formal or professional situation. Similar in meaning to 'amass'.

Check Icon Social Examples (Advance)

  1. The prisoners were able to escape because they'd been accumulating everything they needed for months!
  2. This website gives lots of great advice on how to accumulate a passive income.

Check Icon Professional Examples (Basic)

  1. This accumulation of data will allow us to track how transit times affect commuters across the country.
  2. I have quite an accumulation of receipts. It will take some time to process them.
  3. The record of accumulated incidents has led us to make a decision, Mr Jones. I'm afraid we'll have to let you go.

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