Put Out - Phrasal Verb

Video Overview

This video explains the meaning and use of the phrasal verb 'put out' in English. We show you how to use it with some easy examples to help you learn this phrasal verb so you can use it in spoken and Business English.

Video Analysis

The phrasal verb 'put out' has a number of applications. To 'put out' can mean to move something from one place to another usually from indoors to outdoors. So you can 'put out the dog', or 'put out the clothes' to dry. If you 'put yourself out'  it means to inconvenience yourself or to go the extra mile to please or impress somebody.  You might 'put yourself out' for a client by doing something extra for them that they don't expect.

You can also be 'put out' by something someone says or does. In this case, you are feeling upset or offended by someone else's behaviour. You could be 'put out' by someone's comments if they were offensive or rude. 

When you offer, present or reveal something you can also use 'put out'. You can 'put out an idea' or 'put out a suggestion' in a meeting if you have an idea or thought to offer. You can 'put out your hands' in expectation or hope of receiving something. You might 'put out a snack' on the table for your visitors to enjoy when they call over for tea.

When you 'put something out', it can mean to make a product or information available to the public. Musicians can 'put out' a new album, or a writer can 'put out a new book'. We all get excited when Netflix 'puts out' a new series. In a professional context, if you wanted to do some market research, you could 'put out a survey', and when you want feedback on a product you might 'put out a prototype' or 'put out a beta version' of a program or software.

You can also use 'put out' when you want to talk about extinguishing a fire - even a small one. We 'put candles out' when we are burning them in our homes or for religious occasions. The fire department has all the equipment they need to 'put out' big house fires. All businesses should have fire extinguishers to deal with 'putting out' electrical and other kinds of fires.

Additional examples with 'put out' are:   

A couple has just realised the bin collection day is tomorrow.

"Remind me to put out the bins when we get home."

Police are worried about a dangerous criminal.

"We need to put out an alert that the criminal is dangerous and let the public know not to approach him."

The news is reporting on a fire that broke out in a public building.

"Firefighters were called to put out a blaze in the town hall last night."

Someone wants to contact everyone in the company about work taking place in the building.

"We should put out a memo reminding all the staff that there will be building work on the second floor."

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