How To Interrupt Politely In Business English

Video Overview

In this video, we look at different appropriate ways to interrupt in a business environment, including examples of interruptions in office based scenarios.

Video Analysis

Interrupting another person can come across as quite rude. It can be a delicate situation, so it’s best to tip-toe at a time when you feel it’s necessary to jump in. During a conversation where you’re actively participating, you’ll want to speak up at some point – even if the other person hasn’t fully completed their thought! Making sure you stay respectful when doing so maintains your standard of professionalism. It can be vital and necessary to interject at specific times during a meeting or presentation. You don’t want to wait until the other person has finished speaking - the conversation topic may have already changed and the opportunity to share a useful observation may have completely passed. Ensure your point is relevant to the topic, and keep your interruption polite, and you can’t go wrong!

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