How to Use the Future Simple

Video Overview

The future simple is the third most common verb tense used in spoken and written English, also known as the simple future. It is used to talk about things that haven't happened yet. This video will help you remember the grammar rules and formula for the future simple tense in English and when to use it.

Video Analysis

Forming the future simple involves the subject, will or shall and the infinitive of the verb without 'to'.

subject + will/shall + infinitive (without 'to')

She will go

He will see

They will leave

Note that many of these subjects combined with 'will' are contracted. So...

I will = I'll

You will = You'll

She will = She'll etc.

We use the future simple tense to make offers,

I will help you.

I will meet you at the station (if you like).

I'll bring your bags in.

The future simple is also used in its question or interrogative form to make polite requests, such as

Will you help me?

Will he put the clothes away?

Will you make me dinner if I visit?

Is also useful to give instructions or tell someone what to do. These are considered very direct and not necessarily polite, so be careful with this use of the tense, it is more suited to sets of written instructions rather than to be used when speaking to people.

You will unlock the building when you arrive.

You will take the bins outside every second day.

You will be responsible for overseeing tasks.

One of the most popular ways of using the future simple is to express your intentions or plans for the future.

I will have a shower before going out.

I will study for 8 hours before the exam on Friday.

I will bake a cake for the party.

As we are dealing with the future, we can use the future simple to make predictions about what we assume or think will happen at a future time.

It will rain this evening.

I will have a sore back tomorrow.

I will fail this test!

You can watch our video on the future simple for more examples of how to use the tense correctly and when to use it. For even more information you can visit our write-up which also has a mind map to help you revise.

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