Expressions With The Word Hit

Video Overview

This video explains the meaning and use of the phrases containing the verb 'hit' in English. We show you how to use them with some easy examples to help you learn this phrasal verb so you can use it in spoken and Business English. We include the expressions 'hit the beach', 'the storm hit', 'hit by the news', 'to be hit badly by', 'hit the ground running', 'hit a home run', 'hit the big time', 'a big hit', 'hit the nail on the head' and more.

Video Analysis

As the video shows, 'hit' is very versatile, with a wide range of uses in both a social and professional context, usually in an informal manner. To make it a little easier to understand how and when to use this word, the examples given in the video have been grouped according to their meaning below:

Hit the beach, gym, shops, pub, books etc. - hit in this context essentially means 'to go to' or to engage in a specific activity. Its use here implies purpose and energy.

The storm hit, hit by the news, hit badly by - if something 'hits' in this sense, it impacts something or somebody in a negative and often forceful way. 

Hit the ground running, hit a home run, hit the big time, a big hit, hit the nail on the head - these phrases are often used informally, particularly in a professional context, to refer to success, or something, such as an idea or plan, that is exactly right, or has gone exactly as intended or hoped.

Hit rock bottom, hit the wall - these phrases are the opposite of those listed above. They express failure, a lack of progress, or a difficult period in somebody's life.

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