Bring Out - Phrasal Verb

Video Overview

This video explains the meaning and use of the phrasal verb 'bring out' in English. We show you how to use it with some easy examples to help you learn this phrasal verb so you can use it in spoken and Business English.

Video Analysis

The phrasal verb 'bring out' is usually associated with releasing something to the public or revealing or highlighting something positive.

When we talk about 'bringing something out', it can mean 'to reveal or make something show a quality that it has'. With people, we can talk about 'bringing out someone's confidence' or 'bringing out their personality'. With food, we like to 'bring out' the different flavours in order to enjoy them, or we can talk about how something someone is wearing 'brings out' one of their features, like the colour of their eyes, for example. To 'bring something out' can also mean to produce, manufacture or publish something and to begin to sell it or introduce it to the market. In this context, 'bring out' is similar to the verb 'release'. You will often hear about celebrities 'bringing out a book' or a new album. Companies can 'bring out new products', and streaming platforms 'bring out new programmes' to watch.

Additional examples with 'bring out' are: 

A friend is talking about their relationship with their father:

"My father really brings out the worst in me. Every time we are together we end up arguing or having a fight."

Someone you know has always had an interest in writing. When you meet them they tell you...

"I'm bringing out a book this year. If you give me your address, I will send you an invitation to the launch."

You are a guest at dinner and you ask how the host made the meal you are enjoying:

"I like to cook the meat slowly to bring out the flavours in the dish."

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