Collocations With The Word Ease

Collocations are words that usually go together in English.

Here we are going to look at words that go with 'ease' to make useful and popular expressions you will hear in social and professional contexts.

Alarming ease

If something is done with 'alarming ease' it happens or occurs with a simplicity that is worrying or disturbing.


  • The alarming ease with which the hackers got into our system leaves me concerned about the state of our internet security.
  • Criminals in this country are able to get their hands on weapons with alarming ease.

Relative/comparative ease

Something that can be done with 'relative ease' is considered simple or achievable without great effort only in comparison to something else.


  • Due to the relative ease of international travel, young people today are seeing more of the world than any previous generation before them. 
  • Tom struggled to get to grips with the new equipment yesterday, but today he's handled it with comparative ease.
  • Considering Kate had never made a sales pitch before, I was surprised by the relative ease with which she delivered it.

Great/remarkable ease

If something is done with 'remarkable', or 'great ease', it is done with a pronounced or surprising degree of simplicity or straightforwardness.


  • I thought it would take him years of hard work to get his business up and running, but in the end he achieved it with remarkable ease.
  • Lucy is extremely smart. I think she'll move through the ranks of the company with great ease.
  • It wasn't the fact that Claire managed to solve the puzzle that surprised me, it was the remarkable ease with which she did it.

For ease of

This collocation refers to the way in which something has been made easier to do.


  • For ease of reference, a link to each chapter has been included at the start of the document.
  • A translator has been assigned to the visiting students for ease of communication.
  • The report's summary has been made in bullet point format for ease of reading.

Ease back/away (from)

To 'ease back' or 'ease away from' means to move away from somebody or something in a slow or careful manner.


  • According to the weather forecast, the rain is expected to ease away by the evening.
  • Ease back on the throttle a bit, you're going too fast!
  • When I stepped inside and saw how busy the restaurant was, I eased away from the door and left.

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