Collocations With The Word Catch

Collocations are words that usually go together in English.

Here we are going to look at words that go with 'catch' to make useful and popular expressions you will hear in social and professional contexts.

Catch a bus/train

'Catch' used in this context refers to boarding or getting on a bus or train before it departs.


  • Emily arrived at the stop too late to catch the last bus home, so I had to pick her up.
  • I really need to rush if I'm going to catch that train. It leaves in 15 minutes!
  • Don't bother rushing to catch that bus. There's another one arriving in a few minutes.

Safety catch

A 'safety catch' is the part of a machine or piece of equipment that prevents it from starting, working, or opening accidentally. It is designed to prevent injury or damage to somebody or something.


  • Jack carelessly left his gun where his young son could pick it up. Luckily the safety catch was on, so he couldn't fire it.
  • I put a safety catch on all the top floor windows to prevent the risk of any of the children falling out.
  • When you're cleaning the machine, remember to put the safety catch on, otherwise you could lose a hand.

A good catch

'A good catch' can be used in relation to a person who has qualities or assets that make them desirable in a relationship. It can also be used as a form of congratulations when somebody notices a mistake before it becomes a problem.


  • Chris is rich and handsome, so he's a good catch for sally. I think they will be very happy together.
  • Good catch, Rachel! If that typo had gone out on those flyers we would have looked very unprofessional.
  • My fiance's parents don't think I'm a good catch for their daughter. I think they would rather the wedding didn't go ahead.

Catch the meaning

If you 'catch the meaning' of something, you understand what somebody is saying or trying to imply.


  • Sorry, I didn't catch what you meant. Do you mind explaining it to me again?
  • I wasn't fully paying attention to Alex's speech at the conference, but I caught the general meaning of it, though.
  • Paul's a nice guy, but he's not exactly a brain surgeon, if you catch my meaning. 

Catch sight/a glimpse of

To 'catch sight of' or 'catch a glimpse of' means to see somebody or something briefly or suddenly.


  • Brian only caught a glimpse of the burglar, so he wasn't able to give the police a very good description of him.
  • We were driving quite fast, but I still managed to catch sight of the house between the trees.
  • I managed to catch a glimpse of the celebrity as she walked through the crowd.

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