Collocations With The Word Build

Build trust

When you build trust you create the conditions and environment for those involved to have belief in the reliability and abilities of others around them and what they say.


  • We are planning a team-building weekend to build trust among our employees.
  • It is important to build trust between you and your partner if you want a strong relationship.
  • Those who build trust in their relationships with their clients make more sales.

Build a case (against)

If you are preparing for a legal argument (a 'case') or a serious debate or need to defend yourself, you will need to gather evidence. This is known as 'building a case'. This might also be used in work situations if you are 'building a case' to justify disciplinary action or dismissal.


  • The police are hoping to build a case against the perpetrator using the evidence, they found in your home.
  • Unfortunately, all of this material builds up a strong case for your dismissal.
  • I feel everything I have laid out here and my success in pulling in new business builds a case for a raise.

Build anticipation

To build excitement in others for something that is going to happen.


  • We executed a media campaign to build anticipation leading up to the event.
  • You could feel the building anticipation as the time got closer and closer for the President to arrive.
  • TV  producers use a number of techniques to build anticipation in audiences watching some of the most popular shows.

Build momentum

'Momentum'  refers to the force or movement propelling something forward. When you build momentum you increase or add to the force moving or developing something.


  • When the university shared my YouTube video it built momentum quickly and got lots of hits, I never thought it would go viral like this.
  • This new research backed by the health council will help the vaccine campaign build momentum and encourage uptake.
  • I left my handbrake off on the car, it slid and built momentum travelling down the hill. We were lucky nobody got hurt.

These are some of the collocations you can make with 'build'. Can you think of any others?

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