How to Close a Meeting - Vocab

When the time has come to close a meeting, there are a number of things you might have to do. If there is still a lot of talking, for example, you might have to direct attention back to business so that nothing is missed and everything you planned to cover gets dealt with.

that’s all for today

This is a simple way to indicate that you are finished speaking or that everything you intended to cover in the meeting has been covered. When you say "that’s (that is) all", it means that there is nothing left to speak about. You can also say, “I think that’s all”, or “I think that’s it”.


  • Thank you all for your attention. That’s all for today.

  • Well, that’s all for today. There are some refreshments at the back of the room. Thank you for coming.

call it a day

This is slightly informal, and would work well at the end of a long meeting that continued until the end of the workday - particularly if everyone is tired and looking forward to going home.


  • Well, I think that’s enough for now. Why don’t we call it a day and go home?

  • We covered a lot this afternoon and I can see that you’re all getting tired. I think it’s time we called it a day, don’t you?

bring/draw (things) to a close

At the end of a meeting, you need to ‘bring things to a close’, meaning that you don’t introduce any new topics and you find a way to end the meeting to the satisfaction of all concerned.


  • If there’s nothing else we need to discuss, I’d like to bring things to a close by thanking our special guest for being here.

  • We can draw the meeting to a close now, I think, unless anyone would like to raise an issue that hasn’t been addressed.

wrap (it/things) up

When you wrap a gift, it is ready to give to someone; but when you ‘wrap up’ an event or an action, you finish it or bring it to an end.


  • I’d like to wrap things up now by giving you a summary of the meeting I had the other day with our Number 1 client.

  • At the end of the meeting, I’ll do a quick run-through of our advertising strategy, and that should wrap things up nicely.

tie up loose ends

‘Loose ends’ are points of discussion that may not have been concluded to the satisfaction of all involved, or items that remain outstanding. When you ‘tie up’ any ‘loose ends’, you ensure that nothing was left unfinished or unsaid.


  • Please don’t leave yet. There are a few loose ends that we need to tie up before we finish.

  • Okay, we haven’t decided who will be presenting our proposal next week, or who will be distributing the marketing material for the conferece? Can we just tie up these loose ends now?

other matters arising?

This is a nice, professional-sounding question, and it is a good way to ensure that no one accuses you of not giving them the opportunity to speak. You could also ask, ‘Are there any outstanding issues?’


  • So, are there any other matters arising? Anything else that needs to be discussed?

  • Well, if there are no other matters arising, we can draw this meeting to a close and call it a day.

(just) to reiterate

When you ‘reiterate’ something, you say it again, repeating your point to ensure that everyone was listening the first time you said it.


  • Before we wrap up, I’d just like to reiterate - I’m very proud of all the hard work you’ve done.

  • So, just to reiterate…there won’t be any bonuses this year.

end on a positive note

A ‘positive note’ is a message or sentiment, or a piece of information, that will lift the spirits of the people who hear it. You could also say ‘end on a high’.


  • Well, it’s been great sorting through all this difficult stuff, and thank you for all your hard work. Just to end on a positive note, you can all look forward to bonuses at the end of the month.

  • I always like to end my meetings on a positive note, so why don’t we make plans for a staff night out? We could all do with some fun.

Don’t forget that these are just general expressions that you can use in any (generic) meeting. For more specific expressions, search our ‘Themed Expressions’ for subjects and topics of discussion.

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