How to Set and Follow the Agenda

One of the biggest challenges during meetings is balancing how much time people need to get through each item in the agenda within the allocated time. So, here are some expressions to deal with time constraints:

We're running over time, so I think we need to move on.

I think we've discussed this enough. Can we make a decision?

We only have 5 minutes left and still quite a few things to get covered.

I think we'll have to come back to this. We don't have consensus yet.

If we don't move on, we will be here all day.

I really don't want to run over time, so I think we need to skip the next item and deal with it another time.


If your meeting involves some decision-making (most meetings do), you will probably need to have a vote; or allow people to express if they are for or against the proposal:

Who is in favour?

Can I get a show of hands for those in support?

Is anyone opposed?

Okay, let's put this to a vote!

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