How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

The Ending

At the close of the cover letter, make sure to end on a high. Be professional, be eloquent and, once again, be enthusiastic and passionate. Wrap up the Cover Letter and tie it all together with a Thank You; something like, "I really appreciate this tremendous opportunity and the time you have taken to consider my skills and abilities in relation to this position". Although your contact details will be in the heading of the CV, drop your contact number into the close of the cover letter. Sign off with "Best Regards" or "Kind Regards", or if you are addressing it directly to a named individual, sign off with "Yours Sincerely".

Your sign-off should look something like this:

'I really appreciate this tremendous opportunity and the time you have taken to consider my skills and abilities in relation to this position.

Attached is my CV for further consideration.

If you need any further details please do not hesitate to contact me on 123 - 456 - 7890.

Yours Sincerely 

Mr Joe Bloggs'

A good point to remember is not to overload the document with information. Put yourself in the shoes of the recipient and as you read through your Cover letter ask yourself if you found yourself getting bored. Did you make sure not to repeat yourself with some points that you might have made in your Personal Profile? You can plan out what you could be asked at the interview stage based on how you compose your cover letter and CV.

So, what questions do you hope to be asked and what questions are you confident of answering? Remember this as at this point the control really is in your hands. The information you provide is the foundation for the interviewer's questions. So, do the work and be the standout candidate. Ensure you stick in their memory.

Check out The CV or The Personal Profile to assist with the follow-on steps in a job application and to elaborate on the process.

Best of luck with your application from all of us here at EnglishLogica.

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