English Expressions to Use in Ireland

Video Overview

This video deals with five of our favourite expressions that you will only hear in Ireland! These colloquial expressions are our favourite phrases you will only hear in Ireland. Including:  'Whats the craic?', 'it'll be grand,' 'it's lashing,' 'go away,' and 'come here 'til I tell you,'

Video Analysis

Like most countries, Ireland has its own colloquialisms, which form an important part of Irish culture. Often times these phrases, which are regularly thrown into everyday conversation, seem to make no logical sense, which can further confuse non-natives, even those whose English-speaking skills are quite advanced. As this video shows, this is more the case in a social, informal context rather than a professional one.

'What's the craic?', 'it'll be grand,' 'it's lashing,' 'go away,' and 'come here 'til I tell you,' are all phrases that are commonly used when having a relaxed chat with somebody, gossiping, or just engaging in small talk.

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