What Are Your Achievements?

Whether you are trying to impress someone in a Job Interview, in Sales, or just in a social situation, you know how to talk about your achievements and your success. This can be difficult in some cultures, because boasting or bragging about what you can do or what you have achieved is sometimes viewed negatively. It's worth remembering, however, that positive self-talk reduces stress and even helps improve your mental health. Those who generally say more negative things, reinforce negative patterns in their thinking, while those who think and talk positively about themselves and others tend to be more optimistic and see things in a more positive light. This way of thinking makes people better able to manage stress, as well as promoting better cardiovascular health. It has even been shown to help people fight off colds! Here are some phrases you can use when you are highlighting your abilities and successes:


Personal skills and qualities

I have a skill/knack for...

I had a talent for x since a young age.

...always came naturally to me.

I have accomplished...


Personal Life

I got engaged/married.

I bought my first car.

I reached/achieved a personal goal of mine.

I exceeded my personal best.

I was the first among my friends and family to...


Work and Education

I was promoted.

I received a generous pay rise.

I was given a bonus.

I am first/second in...

I graduated from…

I received a distinction/merit in...

I negotiated a profitable deal with...

I finalised a huge sale with...

I exceeded the average...

I am top in...

I took on the most difficult project.


Awards and Recognition

I received a prestigious award.

I was nominated for an important prize.

I was selected to receive the honour of...

I was invited to speak at...

I had the honour of addressing...


Next time you are in a situation in which you need to speak about your successes or your achievements, you can begin with one of these phrases. Remember that talking positively about yourself will probably do you good! Check out the next page for some questions to test your knowledge.

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