Measuring Performance at Work

Every company should strive to have motivated and productive staff, and it is important for managers and supervisors to have ways of measuring their performance. There are many different techniques and systems for measuring employees' performance, but their main goal is to evaluate a few key areas. In each of these areas dealt with below, we provide some helpful vocabulary related to employee performance.


Punctuality refers to your management of time. This could be the time you arrive in the morning; or when you leave work; or if you are able to meet deadlines and deliver projects when expected. Here are some expressions for talking about punctuality:



Employee is always on time.

Employee struggles to be on time and is often late.

Very punctual and seldom late for work.

Often fails to manage time well, and delivers late or overdue work.

Capable of managing time effectively.

Employee is often late in the office, struggling to finish tasks on time.

Employee has excellent time management skills and delivers on schedule.


Ability to Meet Targets

Targets keep employees in check, and gives them something to aim for. A lot of employees work their rewards or incentives schemes around personal employee targets.



Employee exceeded set targets.

Falls behind targets.

Regularly meets or surpasses targets set.

Fails to achieve targets.

Has set a new precedent for obtainable targets.

Has difficulty reaching targets.


Interaction with Clients

It’s not all about your measurable output - interacting with clients and customers is important, too. Your employer will keep an eye on this.



Communicates effectively with clients, leading to customer satisfaction.

Takes a long time to establish relationships with customers, leading to a poor turnover.

Goes the extra mile when it comes to Customer Service.

Fails to communicate clearly and coherently with clients.

Develops strong personal relationships with clients and customers.

Often ignores, or is slow to reply to, customer queries.



Who you are is often as significant for your performance review as how you work. Here is some vocabulary you might hear as your employer addresses your personality in relation to your work.



Eager to learn new skills

Avoids keeping up with training in order to respond to new trends.

Excellent problem solver

Delegates a large amount of work to others.

A careful worker with great attention to detail

Is not a team player and finds it difficult to work with others.

Able to work independently

Often makes mistakes and lacks attention to detail.

Exemplary technical knowledge

Fails to show initiative


Numbers and Figures

A lot of people would consider this aspect of your performance the most important - and they might be right. When it all comes down to it, facts and statistics are difficult to argue against.



Effectively handled 20% more orders than the last quarter.

Takes 25% more time than others to handle customer queries.

Received excellent feedback from 8 out of 10 co-workers.

Received over 12 customer complaints regarding...

Reduced call waiting time by over 3 minutes.

Has contributed to an increase in delivery waiting times by two days.

Achieved 80% incident-free interactions.

Three serious conduct breaches this year.


These are some ways you can talk about measuring performance with your employees and coworkers.

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