Collocations With The Word Lay

Lay hands on 

When you 'lay hands on' something or somebody, you take possession of, acquire, or grasp them. In the case of a person, this phrase often refers to violence or at least the threat of it.


  • I know it was Gary who went behind my back and blamed me for what happened. I can't wait to lay my hands on him!
  • I'm trying to lay my hands on a particular book I need for my research and was wondering if you could help me?
  • Don't believe what Jenny said. I never laid a hand on her!

Lay eyes on

To 'lay eyes on' is to see or look at something or someone. It is often used in relation to seeing something or somebody for the first time.


  • I hate that place. To be honest, I'd happily never lay eyes on it again!
  • I loved that watch from the moment I laid eyes on it. That's why I had to buy it.
  • As soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one for me.

Lay groundwork for

When you 'lay the groundwork for' something, you prepare or provide the basic idea(s) or structure(s) for it.


  • The meeting I had with Brian last week helped lay the groundwork for the deal we signed this morning.
  • The boss won't admit that the takeover wouldn't have succeeded without the work done by his predecessor. She was the one who laid the groundwork.
  • Reports suggest that the politician is currently laying the groundwork for a run at the presidency next year.

Lay guilt on

If you 'lay guilt on' somebody, you make them feel bad or guilty about something. It is often done with the intention of manipulating somebody.


  • I know my parents really wanted me to get a degree, but I wish they would stop laying guilt on me for dropping out of college.
  • The charity worker laid guilt on Emily until she finally caved in and made a donation.
  • You were to blame for what happened, so stop trying to lay the guilt on me!

Lay bare

To 'lay bare' means to reveal or uncover something that was previously hidden, unknown, or kept secret.


  • The new book lays bare the musician's ongoing struggle with alcoholism in searing detail.
  • In his new documentary, the famous scientist claims to lay bare the secrets of the Universe.
  • It took a while for James to pluck up the courage, but he eventually laid bare his feelings for Sandra.

These are some of the collocations you can make with 'lay'. Can you think of any others?

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